The Corrector is amazingly accurate at figuring out what he is trying to spell. It suggests the closest word (phonetically) and then gives a list of choices for them to pick from starting with the closest to the least phonetically accurate choice. SpellCheckPlus is a grammar checker that finds common spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in English. Simply type (or paste) your text into the window below and hit the.
Speller and grammar checker
Rephraser modeClick on any sentence to see alternatives
We detected some problems on your textWe detected a problem on your textand we could not check it:and we could not check it entirely:- sentence(s) not written in English
- lengthy sentence(s)
Your text contains many unknown or misspelled words in English.
Your text seems to be in a different language. Click if you want it to be corrected in English
Your text seems to be in French. You will be redirected to French speller in 5 seconds. Click here if you want to use the English speller.
Spelling Corrector
Proofread the examples below:
Google Spelling Corrector
Spelling Corrector Nederlands
Here are the types of possible corrections:
- take => Automatically corrected word, with only one suggestion available.
- take => Automatically corrected word, with more suggestions available.
- take => Word detected as wrong for which we have at least one suggestion. Click to activate the correction.
- take => Unknown word for which there is no suggestion available.
- take => Synonyms or style suggestions are available. Click to see details and apply changes.
- take => The word is displayed in purple after a suggestion choice from your side.