Application software, or app for short, is software that performs specific tasks for an end-user.
Compare the best Application Development software of 2021 for your business. Find the highest rated Application Development software pricing, reviews, free demos, trials, and more. Application software is a term which is used for software created for a specific purpose. It is generally a program or collection of programs used by end users. It can be called an application or simply an app. In fact all the software other than system software and programming software are application software.
Effectively, if the user is interacting directly with a piece of software it is application software. For example, Microsoft Word or Excel are application software, as are common web browsers such as Firefox or Google Chrome.
It also includes the category of mobile apps, including communication apps such as WhatsApp or games such as Candy Crush Saga. There are also app versions of common services such as those providing weather or transport information or apps for customers to interact with companies.
Application software is distinct from system software, which refers to the software that actually keeps the systems running such as the operating system, computational science software, game engines, industrial automation, and software as a service applications.
UNIX Operating System. Unix is an increasingly popular operating system. Traditionally used on minicomputers and workstations in the academic community, UNIX is now available on personal computers and the business community has started to choose UNIX for its openness. Previous PC and mainframe users are now looking to UNIX as their operating system solution.
Although in theory all operating systems perform very similar functions, in practice there are many different operating systems. One primary reason is the highly competitive nature of the computer industry. Operating systems, like other major computer products, evolve and undergo improvements and updates over time. In addition, applications are developed to take advantage of specific features in operating systems, so applications developed for one operating system may not be available for other operating systems.
MS-DOS. MS-DOS is a single-tasking operating system. Newer versions have a command-driven user interface. Their commands can be used to format disks; copy, rename, delete, and back up files; and organize and manage files on the disk. Newer versions also include a user interface called the shellwith pull-down menus to access commands.
MS-DOS has several advantages.. MS-DOS does not require a powerful computer or a large amount of memory to run. It also has several disadvantages. MS-DOS was specifically developed for the Intel family of microprocessors. It has no network services or multimedia extensions. And it has limitations on how it uses memory. In 1990s MS-DOS was ousted by Windows.
Windows NT. Windows NT (New Technology), introduced in 1992, is a descendant of DOS and the Windows extensions to DOS developed at Microsoft. It is a multitasking operating system. It has several advantages. It can run DOS and Windows programs without modification. It has network services and multimedia extensions, and it is not limited to the Intel family of processors. It has several disadvantages. It is designed for high-performance computers and requires large amounts of memory and disk space. It does not have as many applications developed for it as do other operating systems.
UNIX, like other operating system, is a layer between the hardware and the applications that run on the computer. It has functions that manage the hardware and functions that manage executing applications. So what’s the difference between UNIX and any other operating system? Basically, two things: internal implementation and the interface that is seen and used by user.
The UNIX system is actually more than strictly an operating system. UNIX includes the traditional operating system components. In addition, a standard UNIX system includes a set of libraries and a set of applications. Sitting above the hardware are two components: the file system and process control. Next is the set of libraries. On top are the applications. The user has access to the libraries and to the applications. These two components are what many users think of as UNIX, because together they constitute the UNIX interface.
The part of UNIX that manages the hardware and the executing processes is called the kernel. In managing all hardware devices, the UNIX system views each device as a file (called a device file). This allows the same simple method of reading and writing files to be used to access each hardware device. The file system manages read and write access to user data and to devices, such as printers, attached to the system. It implements security controls to protect the safety and privacy of information. In executing processes, the UNIX system allocates resources (including use of the CPU) and mediates access to the hardware.
One important advantage that results from the UNIX standard interface is application portability. Application portability is the ability of a single application to be executed on various types of computer hardware without being modified. This can be achieved if the application uses the UNIX interface to manage its hardware needs. UNIX’s layered design insulates the application from the different types of hardware. This allows the software developer to support the single application on multiple hardware types with minimal effort. The application writer has lower development costs and a larger potential customer base. Users not only have applications available, but can rely on being able to use the same applications on different computer hardware.
UNIX goes beyond the traditional operating system by providing a standard set of libraries and applications that developers and users can use. This standard interface allows application portability and facilitates user’s familiarity with this interface.
3.4 Find synonyms.
Main, choice, numerous, contain, handle, allocate, variant, defend, search, purpose, require, cooperate, develop, restriction, acquire, benefit, selection, version, include, modification, kernel, change, manage, limitation, obtain, need, protect, advantage, evolve, primary, multiple, aim, retrieve, work together, core,divide.
Application Software Definition
3.5 Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. You can use the phrase more
than once.
1. Information provided by programs and data is known as ________________.
2. The ________________ refers to all programs which control the basic functions of the computer.
3. The ________________ refers to all those applications such as word processors and spreadsheets which are used for specific purposes.
4. The ________________ is the most important type of system software.
5. ________________ are small programs which improve a system’s performance and help users take advantage of the computer’s capabilities.
6. In most configurations, the ________________ is automatically loaded into the RAM section when the computer is started up.
3.6 Translate the following compound nouns into Ukrainian.
Program module, service program, computer device, memory allocation, computer resources, display screen, user interface, disk space, user data, hardware device, computer hardware, development cost, customer base, application portability.
3.7 Translate into English off-hand.
Операційні системи ПК доповнюють апаратні засоби. Вони являють собою набір програмних модулів, які дозволяють користувачеві забезпечувати взаємодію програм з зовнішніми пристроями та один з одним. Операційні системи мають набір сервісних програм, які дозволяють здійснювати перевірку функціонування пристроїв комп’ютера, розмітку дискет, зв’язок з локальною мережею та ін.
До основних функцій ОС, що забезпечують взаємодію програм з апаратурою, треба віднести такі: взаємодію програм із зовнішніми пристроями, розподіл оперативної пам’яті, виявлення помилок та нестандартних ситуацій та ін.
До основних функцій ОС, що забезпечують загальне керування ресурсами комп’ютера, необхідно віднести форматування дискети, виведення на екран дисплея каталогу, копіювання файлів з однієї дискети на іншу, встановлення режимів роботи дисплея та принтера, запуск програми та ін.
3.8 Answer the questions.
1. What is the purpose of an operating system?
2. What changes have operating systems undergone for the last decade?
3. What does the word “compatible” mean?
4. What are the advantages of a multi-tasking OS over a single-tasking OS?
5. What is the function of the Finder in Macintosh computer?
6. What language are modern OSs written in?
7. Why is Unix considered to be the best?
3.9 Read and summarize the article.
LINUX, the free computer operating system developed by thousands of volunteers collaborating over the Internet, is still not taken very seriously in corporate circles. It is used for niche tasks, such as running web servers, but it is generally deemed to be too immature for the most demanding environments, such as heavy-duty database systems. Recent events, however, suggest that Linux—whose mascot is a cheerful penguin—may have outgrown the commune of its birth. On January 4th Linus Torvalds, the Finnish programmer who coordinates the development of Linux, quietly released the latest version of the Linux kernel—the software that, as its name suggests, is at the core of the operating system. Many of the enhancements in this new kernel (version 2.4) make Linux more suitable for corporate use. In particular, they make it more 'scalable'—in other words, as capable of working on very large computer systems as on small ones. Linux 2.4 can support more processors, more memory, and raster networking and disk access—all prerequisites for industrial-strength corporate use. Just as the software itself has become more solid, so support for Linux within the computer industry has also been growing. IBM, which has embraced Linux across its product range, from PCS to mainframes, announced in December that it would spend $1 billion on Linux-related activities in 2001. And this week the Open Source Development Laboratory, an independent, not-for-profit research centre financed by such industry giants as ibm. Intel and Dell, opened its doors. It is intended to accelerate the adoption of Linux in business computing, and to allow developers to test their software on the largest systems. In other words, with the notable exceptions of Microsoft and Sun Microsystems, the industry is pushing Linux for use in corporate computing. Linux is also proving a popular choice for powering Internet appliances, such as handheld computers and smart telephones. And. at the other end of the scale, it is emerging as a powerful force in the specialist field of supercomputing. By connecting hundreds of PCs Running Linux in a 'cluster', it is possible to construct an enormously powerful machine for a fraction of the cost of a conventional supercomputer, ibm recently started installing a 1.024-processor Linux supercomputer at Shell's research centre in the Netherlands, where the oil company plans to use it to analyse geophysical data and to help it find oil. And on January 16th. America's National Centre for Supercomputing Applications said that it had agreed to buy two Linux supercomputers from IBM. one of which will be the fourth-fastest supercomputer in the world when it is switched on this summer. There are some fears that the embrace of Linux by big computing companies could prove a mixed blessing. George Weiss of Gartner, a research firm, suggests that IBM. in particular, 'looms like a shadow' over the future of Linux: its obvious enthusiasm, he says, might deter new firms from entering the market for Linux support and services. Any attempt by big computing companies to hijack Linux, declares Eric Raymond, an open-source guru, would be counter-productive, since it would alienate the very people from whom Linux draws its strength. Yet it is inevitable, as Linux becomes increasingly popular, that it will shed the revolutionary cachet which, for some of its supporters, is its greatest appeal.
Write a report on one of the topics and discuss them in class.
a) Modern OS
b) System Utilities
4.1 Read and translate the following words and word-combinations.
In contrast to, in response to, built-in, problem-solving features, common tasks, specific use, coin, a standard set of office activities, a common application, manual methods, business correspondence, a margin, in addition, a draft, electronic ways, become apparent, a visual aid, look professional, revise a document, blocks of text, a discrepancy, thesaurus program.
4.2 Learn key words and word-combinations.
Application Software Definition
application software – прикладне програмне забезпечення
arrow key – клавіша керування курсором
boldface (n) – жирний шрифт
compose (v) – складати
deletion (n) – вилучення
draft (n) – чернетка
End key – клавіша переміщення курсору до кінця (сегмента)
flush left (right) – зміщений ліворуч (праворуч); вирівняний ліворуч (праворуч)
font (n) - шрифт
font name – назва шрифту
footnote (n) – підрядкова примітка
header (n) – заголовок; рубрика
Home key – клавіша переходу до початку (сегмента)
indented paragraph – абзац
justification – вирівнювання; узгодження
margin (n) – поле (сторінки)
Page Down key – клавіша прямого перегляду
Application Software Gui
page preview – перегляд сторінок
Page Up key – клавіша зворотнього перегляду
point size – розмір у пунктах
revise a document – редагувати документ
save (v) – зберігати
scrolling(n) – прокручування
spacing (n) – відстань; проміжок
spelling checker – орфографічний коректор
type face – вид шрифту
underline (v) - підкреслювати
word processing – опрацювання текстів
word processor – текстовий процесор
word wrap – автоматичний перехід до нового рядка
4.3 Read and translate the text.
In contrast to operating systems, application software performs work not related to the computer system itself. This application software falls into two categories: special purpose and general purpose.
Special-purpose programs have been developed in response to the specific needs of individuals, professionals, and small businesses. Dedicated to performing tasks such as payroll, accounting, bookkeeping, education, entertainment, or statistical analysis, the programs contain built-in problem-solving features specially designed for those particular tasks.
Application Software Can Be Categorized As
General-purpose programs have been developed in response to the general problem-solving needs of people whose work involves such common tasks as planning, writing, record keeping, calculating, and communicating. General-purpose software can be adapted to a wide variety of tasks.
Application Software 101
Software for writing Word processing is a term coined by IBM in 1964 to describe electronic ways of handling a standard set of office activities—composing, revising, filing, and printing written documents. Word processing is a common application for personal computers.
Composing a document simply means typing the text on your computer keyboard. With most word processors, you select an option that lets you create a new document and begin typing. When you start with a blank screen, a small blinking box or underline, called a cursor—a visual aid on the display screen—is positioned at the beginning of the document. As you type, the cursor marks where the next character you type will appear. With most word processors, you will notice that when you reach the end of a line, the cursor will automatically jump down to the next line and any words extending past the right margin will automatically drop with the cursor. This feature is called word wrap; it allows you to continue typing without having to use the Enter key. In addition, effects that make your work look professional, such as centred titles, headers and footnotes, indented paragraphs, and boldfaced and underlined words or phrases, are all easily accomplished with special commands.
Application Software Meaning
Revising One of the most powerful features of word processing is its ability to revise a document. Although revisions can be accomplished during the process of composing your document, assume that you have completely typed a first draft of your report on your word processor. You wish to check it for errors and polish it into a final draft. You can move to any location in the document by using the cursor movement arrow keys, or other specially marked keys, such as Page Up, Page Down, Home, or End. Because many documents are larger than can be displayed on the screen, scrolling — the process of moving the contents of a screen up, down, left, or right—can be used to view any portion of the document. By using the cursor movement keys, you can quickly move through a document and make changes, corrections, additions, and deletions.